Friday, September 24, 2010

Worth Reading

Thank you Texas! In an act of courage, the Texas Board of Education has passed a resolution curtailing references to Islam in textbooks.  As a retired educator and school supervisor I greet this with delight.  In the last decade references to Islam had to be vetted by Muslim professors, and if you followed what the textbooks published you would think that Islam found Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa too violent.  References to violence were limited to Christianity and the West.  I guess that Islam expanded from India to Spain by distributing leaflets in caravan stations.

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In a meeting of his Global Initiative, the ubiquitous Bill Clinton gave an analysis of the situation in Israel and the prospects for peace.  He went on to explain that Russian Jews in Israel are a major obstacle to peace.  In his always-embellishing style, the former president went on to recall a conversation with Nathan Sharansky, who opposed Clinton’s peace proposal at Camp David.  Of course, Sharansky, who was not present at Camp David at the time, refuted the dialogue recalled by Mr. Clinton.  I hope that Clinton remembers that It was Arafat who rejected the most comprehensive offer Israel ever made.

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Emirates TV reports that a Saudi man beat and divorced his wife when she stuffed cheese instead of meat into his Sambosa pies.  I am now debating whether to show the article to my wife in the hope that it would motivate her to cook exactly the way I like my food.  If I had to bet, it would motivate her to send me to the neighborhood restaurant three times a day.  This if she doesn’t divorce me first.

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Charles Krauthammer analyzes the Democrat plan to attack the Tea Party, and their rationalization that the Tea Party will lead to a Democrat victory in November.  As usual, Krauthammer is brilliant.

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