Thursday, January 7, 2010

A tranny walks into a bar...

Victimologists (I think I just invented a new word) from the gay community are demanding that David Letterman apologize for "inappropriate and incendiary remarks" he made in his monologue. The remarks poked fun at Amanda Simpson, a transgender appointee to the Commerce Department. In a letter of complaint to NBC Nina Tassler, of Human Rights Campaign called the bit "inappropriate and incendiary" and said it reflected "transphobia," a fear or hatred of transgender people.

Are these human rights pimps insane? Have they no real jobs to tire them and force them to take a nap rather than waste our time with complaints and more complaints about the most inane subjects?

So Letterman suffers now from “transphobia." For second I thought that he might be afraid of transformers. No jokes allowed about men who think that they are women or women who think that they are men? Can we joke about men that think that they are Napoleon? Or are short or are fat or are black or are Jewish, or are Muslims or are…whatever. Only jokes about whilte men are allowed?

If we will attach the modifier phobia to Letterman based on the victims of his jokes than in addition to transphobia, he also suffers from taxidriverphobia, Palinphobia, Bushphobia, O’Reilleyphobia, Foxphobia, Metsphobia, and thousands more phobias. After all he has been making tasteless (or is it phobic) jokes for thirty years.

Memo to Ms. or Miss, or Mrs. or Mr. or Sir or Monsieur or Madam Amanda Simpson.

Get a f…….. remote control.

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